Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hold That Thought

The thought generator is the work of attrition which has presented you with a gift, the time you notice your feelings about another “thought that you would like to write down if only to reference it at a later date, given the fact you have tried to write down what those thoughts which would be profitable to you, to re-read later; 1. For the feeling happiness and joy that you wrote it down, and the way you wrote it=providing the exact motivation and where you were in life at that moment. And knowing where you are, this smashing access into what you actually were worth to yourself back then, as it were. Looking into that-the in-between parts, If you can let your mind fold into them. Like the one you just forgot , but at the very least felt, and so you know it is real. Or that at the very least you at least had a sort of evidence you thought it at all. Ever. Because gone were the days where you knew you would remember the thought given the countenance from whence it came and the merit of “you could totally benefit from actually doing this the thing had, if you did” no worries! Your message put the biggest smile on my face; ever present to the palpable intrigue which accompanies a voice mail from anyone.{causing the unwitting participant to take action on something he/she had been putting off without first considering the thought which gave them permission not to act according to the measure of the seemingly unmitigated discretionary non-existent skewed subjectivity unobstructed by judgement; which is the definition of the effects of opium. think before you do; and then don't do. So an unwitting disillusionment surrounding the act could finally; just go away for a moment, so the being could make progress extrapolating the possibility of the inflexibility of the non-action which is a result of the hitherto: addiction to the  listening to- of the thought itself;} before any attempt at the reciprocation can rightly take place. It is the mystery. And the Mystery is Motion.I'm reading thet science fiction book right now: \ "The Ambler Warning" Author: Robert Ludlum. Sucks they only busted adaptation sess on Bourne didge, because...damn. I had to stop reading the book in the middle. After having been educated more from a fiction book than everything I ever learned in school. I therefore shelved it right in the middle in order that I might save the ending for another time. To good to put down. Too good not to have someone else there when you finish the last page. !!Digression assertion newly broadcasted but thankfully easily assimilated by you: ...Doug thought sess prulpstess out of the blue "Wait, science fiction means: in baby terms, not real and it will never happen no matter what, Mommy! Mommmieee!! "yes honey" Doug retorts"Mommy, no matter what, right" Yes honey... (from the other room) ok. next book. let's see what else i can find that is not possible. So I can INDELLIFY that waking up every morning is normal just because I shave and brush my teath. I had better just stop while I'm ..