Monday, February 8, 2010

"Forgive them for they know not what they do", which is to say they were unconcious.

Letting the words emanate from being. Namely that which is fleeting and slipping away undefinable with words just underneath the structure of language. Leaving it glarringly obvious if we use words to be, we are not being at all. And more so curious the premise of the exist of this presence which lies beyond the mind, which is to say behind the meanings of words. And also the undefinable triggers inside of the levels of different understood normalities or understood world views and there corresponding relation to the selfsame evident opposite thing. Words dumm down and cover up being. That which is identifiable with words or labels holds no value. Remember how we were all perplexed about "The Presence". Beginning to work on the level of cause. Which is to say, not some place in the future, but the only place which is. The "NOW". And there again we are using words to assert functionality into the almost ineffible. And that is a stretch, really. Wordy usage of words just to use them. and so again, no power is found in them. Knowing is not conceptual. But who could think outside the their own constructs of and conceptualizations? I don't no either.

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