Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Context For Love To Work

I assert that any relationship which cannot function in it's current state without blaming and making wrong of the other person is a normal relationship. So, what is the context for love to work. Thanks to all the past endeavors that didn't work out, and which meant nothing, not really, not in reality. And no, I am not writing this for a girl to see how awesome I am. But I just lied.What access do we have for the stuff that matters to matter while the two of you are actually, in reality having a conversation? And why did you get mad at him when he got mad at you for telling him to turn left. NO CONTEXT! Look, any marriage which occurs without the two going over ever fined tooth comb aspect of the prenuptual agreement and then laughing about it, has no business getting married. And if you are not talking about how much what your partner said hurt you, it will come out later, only your partner will now know it. Can you get of sense of where I am going here? I am going to a place with restricted access. In other words, your access to communication - namely, that stuff that nocks you on your ass and causes all the cells in your body to regenerate as it happens, the moment she/he gets you and you realize that it actually just happened, all at once. That moment when the incessant stream of thinking stops and all there is, is you and her/him in that space. The problem is what is that space. And for the most part, creating what that is for you, and by the time I do, it WILL be a real thing for you. What? I can get that you don't believe me. I also agree that a mental conceptualization of what you think I am meaning and what I mean will not work either. The only access to being is being. Ok, Doug, now you are not making sense. Even I know that. By the way. This is not a belief system. Here. I'll prove it. Reboot for a minute, get a cup of tea or keep reading anyway, because its your thing and nobody can tell you what to do. Am I close? I don't care whether I am or not. Because regardless of whether I came close or not, what you are reading you have never really before, not really. When you think about it, you have never read anything quite like this. This is because I am not here. I am not even the one who is writing. Sure, i'd be glad to hear, OMG - that was awesome Doug. But I would prefer to hear nothing. Or more specifically, the I which I am not would prefer to hear nothing, just the confirmation of the possibility of anyone reading the text here would be enough validation. But the problem is, the "I" which I am not doesn't care. So to the extent in which I feel good for what I did, is not me, and the part that doesn't is me. And it's not that it doesn't care, I mean, it's not that the "I" that I am doesn't care, it's just that what it carest about is making a difference. And the only difference which was ever made was made with incontrovertible authenticity to the disconnected of such a one's relationship to the outcome, good or bad. It's just that I know of the possibility. But for me, the possibility, which in times past has been solely based on egoic wanting and needing, while forever amazing while it lasts, will never transcend and has never transcended, not really, the otherwise understood to be inevitable conclusion to the matter itself. So what is the matter? The matter is the reason you are with this other person at the time. So what is time? And what's the matter? There is nothing wrong And, there is no philosophical argument presented here. Nothing which you don't already know within yourself. But it is the self of which I speak which is the only that ever is. The you who you consider yourself to be. And if you love your partner to extent that it would hurt if they were gone regardless of the circumstances which led to the separation, then you are getting closer to the context. And I am not going to define context. You will have to define that for yourself. It's just better that way; not for me but for you. The last thing you want is me drowning on about the backdrop which provides the conjectured experience as you read compared to an infinite # of possible backdrops which could provide the bases for even a few variations of the occurring experience of what you are reading, only to arrive at 10 possible postulated life experiences and how each one may have created the world for you, which you take for granted. See what I mean? .. I don't think I'd even want to read that. So, the text which you reading now, you have never read before, and will never read again, unless it comes from me. Doug Clark. You will come to find in the next few paragraphs that your thought about how egotistical that last statement actually was, wasn't. So in order to do what I am about to do, I am matter of factly giving up my right as a human being to be that which "I" want to be, or to put it a different way. My life as it is seen by others and my concern for the occurrence of myself for everyone; other than me. Because deep inside us and for some of us, probably not that deep is a place we can retreat to. Oh, who am I kidding? The place inside of us is us. But humanity has it as though they are really living when all the while, they really know they are not. This is normal. And I said what I just did in that way so I could bring up the backdrop for all of my point making here. I am taking care to pay careful consideration for all that I say.Let's get to meat of it, shall we? Otherwise I could go on for hours regarding all the conceptualizations of the occurring world, and why we consider reality to be as it is, instead of a mental construct. This is what I am good at. But this writing is not about what I am good at. It is also not to impress the mind of a girl that I like that should happen to stumble upon this. Because what is like? What is love? Let's pause here for a moment. I assert that any relationship which cannot function in it's current state without blaming and making wrong of the other person is a normal relationship. That is to say, if you are human. So since this is the case, what access do we have to another way seeing our partner. Sure, we can remember how we saw him/her back when. That defining moment when you met eyes, or when they had no clue, that they had just been cited for the demolition of their current world into the restructuring of the the two of you together.

Rudimentary Automation

When you can see everything happening on the face of the earth, you can map it’s unfolding. Take the bailouts for instance. Ever wonder why there was no oversight? Well, why should there be. But what is more why should they make known the fact that they are printing all this money? Because there are many projects that needed immediate funding. But enough funding to create more money than they have printed since the foundation of the Federal Reserve in 1913? So the bailouts were designed. We have the nationalization of the banks. Well all this is done for our sakes. You see there are genuine investigations conducted by higher up government officials and well respected internal compliance specialist, which think they supposedly know the way things are. And they know more than most, and believe what they don’t know is in the interest of national security. These secret projects need funding. But what concerns me is the AMOUNT of funding they have now received. It is the international bankers which received this money. So we actually have all the oversight we need, because pundits from the “left” and the “right” bring it to our attention. To ask on national television, why is there no oversight? So, we simply dismiss it, since they raised the question on national television. When you draw attention to or mention an extreme observation, you dissolve any potential for independent thought. You give it to them first, ask the probing questions, which invariably coerce the public consciousness having inserted the idea, openly into the viewer, the viewer can then, thankfully dismiss the allegation which may have brought them much contention in their own personal daily lives as to why a thing was done, they can thereby dismiss it by rudimentary automation and precede with whatever venture they were previously undertaking before the infiltration of the next stream of events which would then shape the underlying fundamental collective understanding of their position on the state of the union, which they supposed they are suppose to be concerned with. And then, a little girl was rescued from a burning house. NEWS at ten. So, when you see a movie with a premise like V for Vendetta, you can’t help but stop and wonder…wait if all this is true, if news is time released, and my opinions are created before I think them, which is impossible because they are mine alone, and the parallel government or system is controlling every bit of information which I see or read of in magazines, and interwoven into every facet of my current reality, then why would they APPROVE a movie with a premise like V for VENDETTA? Well if you are asking why, good for you. The only way a movie of this revealing magnitude would be approved, is because it was based 20 yrs in future. AND(and this is the most important thing). It was based in Britain, with little or no reference to the United States. My problem here is that a movie like this, makes people see things differently. It gives the awareness of The Presence to you. When you didn’t have any idea before. So there is a sub culture social norm which is to become paranoid by the enormity of this parallel universe which exists simultaneously parallel to our own concepts of reality. And these individuals which can see, also have predetermined behavioral patterns. They first become passionate and try to communicate their awareness to there closest friends. Then they slowly become recluses. It is sad. So you have no choice but to frequent the use of words which fall inside the social norms. Buzzwords. And one would do well to learn of all that we are supposed to believe about the characteristics of those who are extreme to the left and those who are extreme to the “right”. The only fallacy here, is that it’s not as though every pundit is in on it. Whatever IT is. I have a hard time believing that myself. They can’t all know their purpose. I mean some of them may have an idea of why they are encouraged to speak in certain ways and emphasize curtain criterion and encourage beliefs about a certain thing, and some may even gather that they know of the pundits who really do know what is happening, and may even emulate them, and there manners of speaking, ever encouraged by the praise from upper executives. But in their alone time, they, too, know of the power they possess. To influence the public, while many may not subscribe to the idea, they can’t help but see the big picture, so I guess there are many that do get and see it and don’t care. Too much power. So I ask you, would you do differently? You see, so there is a fine line. And in the end having the slightest remote inkling of this knowledge makes life and all that we know about all that we know into a fascinating thing. Who would have thought that this could all be true. A real life movie. Thanks for reading. zerostate


Something is about to happen to our world. I can feel it brewing. insofar as one can see what is just on the other side of the cover story. There is no mystery, all is known, and the technology which exists, we know not of. We'd most likely have to spend time with it, in order that we may understand the thing through a seemingly natural formulation of an indifferent opinion of the thing, which would then, later on give way to a belief causing a conceptualization of whatever the little device actually is. And the more identified we become with it, the smarter you feel, the more connected to everyone you seem to be. Life seems to have a tangible deliberate newness which impacts who you are being in the present and alters your own experience of yourself to yourself. Oh, who am I kidding, nothing like that could ever happen. As if you could ever really be truly livened up by a new experience of yourself for yourself and what does that even mean anyway? But seriously it feels the way it should feel right before the next big is going to happen. I just prefer to believe there are people that know about it. Some guesses...destabilization of the eastern seaboard? I don't know guys, but if you can't feel it, your living in lalla land. So live, and do and be, because you could wake up tomorrow and things could be different. Call your grandparents. Get reconnected with your friends. This way you can show yourself that you really do care about all of the people in your cell phone you never call. It is kind of liberating to call someone just to get in their world and reconnect.

Edit" hey Bob, how are you today..?"

Every gravestone should read: I spent half my life getting others to admit I was right for their own good, and the other half I devoted to worry and stress and waiting; and when there wasn't worry and stress or anxiety about my life, well then I would spend a great deal of time on doing- the next thing which needed to get done- after all I was really good at who I was- the provider for the family- so, therefore I had my right to be about my business as opposed to to really getting to know who my neighbors really were- because while I would dismiss that society had any influence on my behavior, I was always intermittently cordial with the neighbors, never really letting them in. Which is to say- I have always been better than them or they just didn't matter to me. But they did matter. I have always liked my next door neighbor but he never says hi to me, so why should I say hi to him, oops sorry- wrong gravestone- I would never think a thought like that- I'm a well rounded individual- but the conversations I have with my wife are hollow to me except at times- you know I can't hear a word she's saying, or at least I can, but it's not going to make any difference. Nothing ever makes a difference because I have been around the block a few times. Ok. Well if your really this genuine human being; What is there in your life that you are putting up with and hoping will just get better...what are you afraid to find out about yourself? ", I decided I would worry about why there wasn't worry and stress in my life? ... How about going next door and talking to your neighbor? Maybe because you don't want to because you are too busy! Busy doing what!!! Busy doing what!!!!!!!?! Basking in the idea you are a good person because you care about humanity. about telling yourself that your past is in the past and then you get bored, anxious, frustrated about how a situation is going, and it's all inside of " that's as good ad it gets". No its not however it is right now, sit down for five minutes with me you and your wife and youll see how much better you are than me and you'll see how reduculous this whole thing is and you'll see nothing. "I am still held back by things; but I can see what they are, and it's pretty bad. "hey are you today?...oh just fine! Thanks for asking... Bullcrap...bobs wife just died, you would think bob would take the opportunity to open up and share himself and what he is going through- AH! But he can't . Here's why! Bob signed an aggreement with humanity; as did every other member of the society, matter what happens matter the cost! ..Bob would forever deal with his circumstances by playing a victim and judging others." I do solemly pledge to conduct myself according to pre-existing conditions which thwart any authentic communication which could invoke an unwarranted lifelong friendship with my neighbor." go next door and this... " hey bob, I know we say hello in passing but I never say anything else to you. In fact, I never say much of anything to anyone I don't already know, and I don't really open up to them. I just go about my business everyday and assume that I care about you just exactly enough as i'm supposed to - and on most occasions...I let myself care .. a little bit more, after all , I'm a pretty generous person. So I'm over here because was wondering about what happened... Mostly because I can't believe I pretended to your face that I didn't know.,today I had the most amazing conversation with my wife !!! You see!, I didn't realize that in every conversation I would bring the past as the backround of every word- I could almost even predict what she would say.. This drained the life out of our relationship. It made me irritable that I was irritable in the first place and it made me irritable that it was her who made me irritable and that made me even more irritable and then having to pretend I wasn't irritable made me even more irritable. And then we are supposed love eachother from day to day. I love my wife because I saw a glimpse of what life could be like, talking to my wife for the first time all over again. I can wait for her to get off work. If you still think that what you see is right because whatever...think about how shallow all your relationships really are- not like wrong or bad, but cmon! When is the last time you called for no reason( or you had a reason not to) any of the billions of phone numbers you have in your phone? Notice how different things come up for you as you read each name.