Thursday, May 5, 2011


Something is about to happen to our world. I can feel it brewing. insofar as one can see what is just on the other side of the cover story. There is no mystery, all is known, and the technology which exists, we know not of. We'd most likely have to spend time with it, in order that we may understand the thing through a seemingly natural formulation of an indifferent opinion of the thing, which would then, later on give way to a belief causing a conceptualization of whatever the little device actually is. And the more identified we become with it, the smarter you feel, the more connected to everyone you seem to be. Life seems to have a tangible deliberate newness which impacts who you are being in the present and alters your own experience of yourself to yourself. Oh, who am I kidding, nothing like that could ever happen. As if you could ever really be truly livened up by a new experience of yourself for yourself and what does that even mean anyway? But seriously it feels the way it should feel right before the next big is going to happen. I just prefer to believe there are people that know about it. Some guesses...destabilization of the eastern seaboard? I don't know guys, but if you can't feel it, your living in lalla land. So live, and do and be, because you could wake up tomorrow and things could be different. Call your grandparents. Get reconnected with your friends. This way you can show yourself that you really do care about all of the people in your cell phone you never call. It is kind of liberating to call someone just to get in their world and reconnect.

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