Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Context For Love To Work

I assert that any relationship which cannot function in it's current state without blaming and making wrong of the other person is a normal relationship. So, what is the context for love to work. Thanks to all the past endeavors that didn't work out, and which meant nothing, not really, not in reality. And no, I am not writing this for a girl to see how awesome I am. But I just lied.What access do we have for the stuff that matters to matter while the two of you are actually, in reality having a conversation? And why did you get mad at him when he got mad at you for telling him to turn left. NO CONTEXT! Look, any marriage which occurs without the two going over ever fined tooth comb aspect of the prenuptual agreement and then laughing about it, has no business getting married. And if you are not talking about how much what your partner said hurt you, it will come out later, only your partner will now know it. Can you get of sense of where I am going here? I am going to a place with restricted access. In other words, your access to communication - namely, that stuff that nocks you on your ass and causes all the cells in your body to regenerate as it happens, the moment she/he gets you and you realize that it actually just happened, all at once. That moment when the incessant stream of thinking stops and all there is, is you and her/him in that space. The problem is what is that space. And for the most part, creating what that is for you, and by the time I do, it WILL be a real thing for you. What? I can get that you don't believe me. I also agree that a mental conceptualization of what you think I am meaning and what I mean will not work either. The only access to being is being. Ok, Doug, now you are not making sense. Even I know that. By the way. This is not a belief system. Here. I'll prove it. Reboot for a minute, get a cup of tea or keep reading anyway, because its your thing and nobody can tell you what to do. Am I close? I don't care whether I am or not. Because regardless of whether I came close or not, what you are reading you have never really before, not really. When you think about it, you have never read anything quite like this. This is because I am not here. I am not even the one who is writing. Sure, i'd be glad to hear, OMG - that was awesome Doug. But I would prefer to hear nothing. Or more specifically, the I which I am not would prefer to hear nothing, just the confirmation of the possibility of anyone reading the text here would be enough validation. But the problem is, the "I" which I am not doesn't care. So to the extent in which I feel good for what I did, is not me, and the part that doesn't is me. And it's not that it doesn't care, I mean, it's not that the "I" that I am doesn't care, it's just that what it carest about is making a difference. And the only difference which was ever made was made with incontrovertible authenticity to the disconnected of such a one's relationship to the outcome, good or bad. It's just that I know of the possibility. But for me, the possibility, which in times past has been solely based on egoic wanting and needing, while forever amazing while it lasts, will never transcend and has never transcended, not really, the otherwise understood to be inevitable conclusion to the matter itself. So what is the matter? The matter is the reason you are with this other person at the time. So what is time? And what's the matter? There is nothing wrong And, there is no philosophical argument presented here. Nothing which you don't already know within yourself. But it is the self of which I speak which is the only that ever is. The you who you consider yourself to be. And if you love your partner to extent that it would hurt if they were gone regardless of the circumstances which led to the separation, then you are getting closer to the context. And I am not going to define context. You will have to define that for yourself. It's just better that way; not for me but for you. The last thing you want is me drowning on about the backdrop which provides the conjectured experience as you read compared to an infinite # of possible backdrops which could provide the bases for even a few variations of the occurring experience of what you are reading, only to arrive at 10 possible postulated life experiences and how each one may have created the world for you, which you take for granted. See what I mean? .. I don't think I'd even want to read that. So, the text which you reading now, you have never read before, and will never read again, unless it comes from me. Doug Clark. You will come to find in the next few paragraphs that your thought about how egotistical that last statement actually was, wasn't. So in order to do what I am about to do, I am matter of factly giving up my right as a human being to be that which "I" want to be, or to put it a different way. My life as it is seen by others and my concern for the occurrence of myself for everyone; other than me. Because deep inside us and for some of us, probably not that deep is a place we can retreat to. Oh, who am I kidding? The place inside of us is us. But humanity has it as though they are really living when all the while, they really know they are not. This is normal. And I said what I just did in that way so I could bring up the backdrop for all of my point making here. I am taking care to pay careful consideration for all that I say.Let's get to meat of it, shall we? Otherwise I could go on for hours regarding all the conceptualizations of the occurring world, and why we consider reality to be as it is, instead of a mental construct. This is what I am good at. But this writing is not about what I am good at. It is also not to impress the mind of a girl that I like that should happen to stumble upon this. Because what is like? What is love? Let's pause here for a moment. I assert that any relationship which cannot function in it's current state without blaming and making wrong of the other person is a normal relationship. That is to say, if you are human. So since this is the case, what access do we have to another way seeing our partner. Sure, we can remember how we saw him/her back when. That defining moment when you met eyes, or when they had no clue, that they had just been cited for the demolition of their current world into the restructuring of the the two of you together.

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