Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rudimentary Automation

When you can see everything happening on the face of the earth, you can map it’s unfolding. Take the bailouts for instance. Ever wonder why there was no oversight? Well, why should there be. But what is more why should they make known the fact that they are printing all this money? Because there are many projects that needed immediate funding. But enough funding to create more money than they have printed since the foundation of the Federal Reserve in 1913? So the bailouts were designed. We have the nationalization of the banks. Well all this is done for our sakes. You see there are genuine investigations conducted by higher up government officials and well respected internal compliance specialist, which think they supposedly know the way things are. And they know more than most, and believe what they don’t know is in the interest of national security. These secret projects need funding. But what concerns me is the AMOUNT of funding they have now received. It is the international bankers which received this money. So we actually have all the oversight we need, because pundits from the “left” and the “right” bring it to our attention. To ask on national television, why is there no oversight? So, we simply dismiss it, since they raised the question on national television. When you draw attention to or mention an extreme observation, you dissolve any potential for independent thought. You give it to them first, ask the probing questions, which invariably coerce the public consciousness having inserted the idea, openly into the viewer, the viewer can then, thankfully dismiss the allegation which may have brought them much contention in their own personal daily lives as to why a thing was done, they can thereby dismiss it by rudimentary automation and precede with whatever venture they were previously undertaking before the infiltration of the next stream of events which would then shape the underlying fundamental collective understanding of their position on the state of the union, which they supposed they are suppose to be concerned with. And then, a little girl was rescued from a burning house. NEWS at ten. So, when you see a movie with a premise like V for Vendetta, you can’t help but stop and wonder…wait if all this is true, if news is time released, and my opinions are created before I think them, which is impossible because they are mine alone, and the parallel government or system is controlling every bit of information which I see or read of in magazines, and interwoven into every facet of my current reality, then why would they APPROVE a movie with a premise like V for VENDETTA? Well if you are asking why, good for you. The only way a movie of this revealing magnitude would be approved, is because it was based 20 yrs in future. AND(and this is the most important thing). It was based in Britain, with little or no reference to the United States. My problem here is that a movie like this, makes people see things differently. It gives the awareness of The Presence to you. When you didn’t have any idea before. So there is a sub culture social norm which is to become paranoid by the enormity of this parallel universe which exists simultaneously parallel to our own concepts of reality. And these individuals which can see, also have predetermined behavioral patterns. They first become passionate and try to communicate their awareness to there closest friends. Then they slowly become recluses. It is sad. So you have no choice but to frequent the use of words which fall inside the social norms. Buzzwords. And one would do well to learn of all that we are supposed to believe about the characteristics of those who are extreme to the left and those who are extreme to the “right”. The only fallacy here, is that it’s not as though every pundit is in on it. Whatever IT is. I have a hard time believing that myself. They can’t all know their purpose. I mean some of them may have an idea of why they are encouraged to speak in certain ways and emphasize curtain criterion and encourage beliefs about a certain thing, and some may even gather that they know of the pundits who really do know what is happening, and may even emulate them, and there manners of speaking, ever encouraged by the praise from upper executives. But in their alone time, they, too, know of the power they possess. To influence the public, while many may not subscribe to the idea, they can’t help but see the big picture, so I guess there are many that do get and see it and don’t care. Too much power. So I ask you, would you do differently? You see, so there is a fine line. And in the end having the slightest remote inkling of this knowledge makes life and all that we know about all that we know into a fascinating thing. Who would have thought that this could all be true. A real life movie. Thanks for reading. zerostate

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